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- Apprenticeships: A Smart Choice for School Leavers in Wales
Apprenticeships: A Smart Choice for School Leavers in Wales
In today’s skills economy - where skills are the currency of the future - there has been a noticeable shift in the UK job market with regards to the requirement of a university degree.
Are you a teacher or a parent of a young person who is finishing school and wondering what to do next?
Do you want to help them find a rewarding and fulfilling career path that suits their interests and abilities?
If so, you should consider the benefits of apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships in Wales. I break it down below and leave you with 6 actionable steps you can take today to explore apprenticeships as a viable career option.

Apprenticeships: The Basics
If it's been a while since you were in school, it's time for a refresher on what exactly an apprenticeship is:
💡It's a great way to gain a qualification while working the actual job and earning a wage.
💡They combine practical training on the job with formal learning and study, leading to a nationally recognised certificate or diploma.
💡Apprenticeships cover a wide range of sectors and levels, from level 2 (equivalent to 5 GCSEs) up to degree level.
💡 Degree apprenticeships allow you to work towards a full degree.
💡 They are designed in partnership with employers and universities and arefully fundedby the Welsh Government, so there is no debt or loan to repay.
💡 Let me say that last part again, there is no student loan debt to repay!!
That's important because:
The average debt for Welsh graduates in 2023 was a crippling £35,780.
Not just that, the interest rate is 7.6%. This means that the debt grows faster than inflation and faster than most grads can repay, the average debt after 5 years grows to £50,800.
There is an alternative route to a degree which avoids this huge debt; it is a Degree Apprenticeship.

Apprenticeships: The Benefits
We share the benefits of an apprenticeship with young people often. But let's bring you up to speed too:
😁 Your career starts from day one; becominginstantly employedand in the labour market, unlike their uni-going peers, who will learn for 3 years then start looking to enter the labour market.
😁 It's not the traditional academic- heavy route,no essay and exams, success is demonstrated through portfolios of work and evidence of skill application instead.
😁 Gaining actual applicable (not theoretical)work experience and skillsthat employers really want.
😁 Learn by 'doing' not by reading about someone else doing it, with teaching andaccess to professionals and mentors, get applying knowledge in real-work situations – where it counts!
😁 Achieve a recognised qualification or degree that can open more opportunities for progression and development, gainingboth quals and experience!
😁 Have thesupport and guidanceof employer, mentor, training provider, and colleagues throughout.
😁 Gain three yearsmore experience. Employers want experience, experience can strengthen a CV and interview, with more evidence than those that choose the university route.
😁 Did I mention NO DEBT. No tuition fees, no student loan, and no accumulating interest. Get paid instead of paying out!

Welcome to the Skills Economy: The Timing Couldn't be Better
Skills shortage vacancies have more than doubled in Wales over the last 6 years, but the trend in Welsh school leavers going to university is in decline, the university pipeline will not fill the shortage and employers know it.
In today’s skills economy - where skills are the currency of the future - there has been a noticeable shift in the UK job market with regards to the requirement of a university degree.
Skills are the currency of the future, it's a concept based on the idea that in the rapidly evolving job market, it’s the skills that a person possesses, rather than their academic qualifications or job titles, that are becoming more valuable.
Trends show the shift towards apprenticeships
🚀 The requirement of a degree in a job ad has decreasedsince 2018.
🚀 Industries such as Education, Finance, and Health & Nursing still have a high degree requirement, but relatively few digital, IT & software jobs require a degree. Meaning more tech companies are offering apprenticeshipsor focusing more on experience and/or the soft skills needed for the industry.
🚀 A trend started in the States with companies like Delta, General Motors, Google, Apple, and IBM dropping the bachelor’s degreerequirement for many positions.
🚀 This shift towards skills-based hiringshows the increasing value on skills, experience, and a willingness to learn on the job... yep, the exact components of an apprenticeship.
Apprentices: In their Own Words
Clearly we are advocates for the apprenticeship route, but don’t just take our word for it, here’s what some recent apprentices have to say about their choice:
“As an apprentice in the NHS, you do feel you’re supported. I’ve never felt so looked after. I couldn’t just go and do a nursing degree, so the apprenticeship gave me that opportunity to get my foot in the door.”-Sarah
“My apprenticeship has given me the motivation to succeed and do well in the career path I have chosen. As a plumber you can earn £60,000, so I knew there was a lot of potential in the job. I’m debt free and have a secure future.”-Lee
“Being an apprentice has been the best time of my life, I’ve been able to do things that I’m passionate about. I’ve been able to meet so many different people. I’ve built up my confidence. It’s been the best experience it could have been.”-Alim
“I wasn’t a hundred percent sure what I wanted to do after 6th form. Then, my mum showed me an ad for an apprenticeship. I want to be earning six figures by the time I’m thirty. And that’s the beauty of starting young, it’s all possible.”-Ella
“I chose not to go to university – it was the best career decision I ever made, a degree is no longer a requirement for job applicants. It’s about time!”-EllaB
Take Action 🎬
Ready to help your young adults? Here's the Next Steps.
Here are 5 actions you can take right now to begin exploring the apprenticeship route:
There are 10 Training Providers that offer apprenticeships in Wales; check out the listand explore their offers.
Some Further Education College’s offer apprenticeships too; check out the listand explore their offers, too.
Careers Wales are responsible for promoting apprenticeships in Wales; go to their search enginefor live vacancies.
You can explore the employers that offer apprenticeships, here. (Search by sector, especially the priority and growth sectors where skills needs will be in demand.)
For higher level degree apprenticeships, explore what this list of Welsh universitieshas to offer.
Follow our social channels where we share apprenticeships and other training opportunities, for those not going to university, daily. (@miFutureHQ onFacebook,Instagram,XandLinkedIn)
Apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships are a great decision for school leavers in Wales.
They offer a unique opportunity to learn, earn and grow in a career that aligns perfectly with the employers. Help your young people, at home or in class, make informed decisions today and lets just see where it takes them!
If I can be of anymore help on this, let me know.
You've got this 😎✌️
Gem Hallett, miFuture Founder
miFuture.co.uk| @miFutureHQ